Sunday 29 January 2012

Top 5 interesting quirks so far

1) Banana leaf plate Etiquette.
DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT fold your banana leaf away from you when you have finished eating. A grave insult, not unlike taking off your glove and slapping you host in the face. Please fold up and over TOWARDS you. I'm not sure what happens if you try to fold it sideways.
Eating off a banna leaf is great, and it's also a bit special. Restaurant or event = banana leaf plate. Banana leaf night at the Illam is Wednesday, I can't wait!

2) Giant (tacky? no!) golden costume jewelry.
Can you afford an ounce of gold to put on yourself? are you a foreigner completely un-prepared for the worried sympathy of your little sisters (tengae)and strangers about the fact you do not have sufficient (any) bling for every day use or for weddings? are you a young girl?

Perhaps you'd also like to zoom into see my 'correct' dark eyebrows. Thanks Banu for lending me such a lovely Sari! (this was for going to see a Muslim wedding with Khader and his family).
"no problem"

3) Pimped up buses.
Many buses are actually privately owned and then the government contracts out to the drivers. These private buses have speakers all the way down blasting (most of the time) awesome Tamil pop music, perhaps with TV dance accompaniment. Also don't forget the fairly light enshrouded shrine to one's favourite god or guru, strings of flowers (fake and real) all around the windscreen and a mean paint job. 

4) Pretty glass bangles
Aren't they pretty and don't they have such a nice jangly sound? Yes I think so- and only 50NZ cents for 12, a bargain! (apparently not). However they are only for pregnant women at their 7th month of pregnancy. Sigh.  The tradition for this is to wear them all up both arms, and the jangling will alert your family if you start having contractions when you move around.

5)Mini Banana
The perfect incense stick holder, essential for any important rites or rituals.

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