Monday 5 March 2012

4 days gone.....


So I left Karunai Illam 4 days ago.

I was very sad for me, but everyone there said Jas don't you cry, so I have started my new habit of not crying very easily at everything. Which I find very difficult when the slightest squirt of emotion rocks up from my chest, locks in my throat and burns in my eyes..... but really, it is probably time to work on that one!

 I am so grateful for meeting everyone there, I will definitely be staying in touch, and am possibly thinking of starting the 'Society for Bringing Dheva to New Zealand" (sobdenz) when I get back home. Of course I know he would find it very difficult to leave his elderly parents, so it is purely selfish.

The last two nights with the children we hung out and took lots of photo's and chatted. one last game of duck duck goose was played, one last reminder to use past tense was given. A few hugs.
And then a dance show, followed by official good by and see you later cake which is traditionally given from guests.

I hope I gave enough in return for what I got from there, that's all I can say.

So now I'm staying until the 3rd of April!

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