Monday 19 March 2012

A surprise trip to Goa


So I wasn't planning on going to Goa, but i met a couple of friendly fellow massage therapists in Kannur who were going up there so I tagged along.

It was actually a really nice change to have a few days of lazing on the beach, swimming, walking aroud wearing western clothes and a variety of resort food.

THese photo's are all from a day we spent at turtle beach, one of only 11 places in the world where Giant Turtles breed. Hopefully development, which has been banned officially, is truly kept at bay. he other beaches are already fully hutted up!

With my new Aryuvedic massage buddy Robbi I'm thinking of going to an ashram in Bangalore about the 24th, on reccommendation of the lovely Vidya.

feeling tanned and relaxed!

1 comment:

  1. I will be at Goa during 21-24 April 2016 I am social worker and helping poor women groups so
    Our Vision is to development of urban, rural and tribal in all spheres including Health, Education, Economic, Information technology, and Environment as well within our target area and we have been engaged in working towards overall development of human race including Women, Children, youth and aged and all. 57 Tribal Customs houses were renovated; 4 Wells deepened, 4 Ground level water distribution tanks established, 1 Power tiller provided for agriculture purpose under Integrated Tribal development in remote area. Tribal women in several remote hamlets were made awareness on Domestic violence, Tribal rights, Resettlement on forest dependent act. About 350 HIV affected families sensitized by USAID and TANSACS program and Rehabilitation activities done. A number of Leprosy patients were helped for their children education, family maintenance, personal medication, clothing, and nutrients support etc provided help with some small donors. I came to someone rich persons have millions of money and try to white those block money. Why not the Government gets that money to use public welfare activities? Can we approach such contacts for the purpose? Please make contact with us for such money to or 9443280437. My name is Mr K A Natarajan, NGO at Erode District of Tamilnadu, India. Visit YouTube, 14 minute Documentary Tamil short film
