Monday 5 March 2012


So I have splurged on a safari. hmmmmmm, bank balance, how are you? ok for another safari and 4 mroe weeks in India? hope so.

So my travel luck goes a bit like this.....

I was going to do my months travel in february to catch the cooler weather, but I changed [plans to instead leave in March.

So that meant dry/fire season was in full swing and I could not go to Wayanad wild like reserve in Kerala.

Some Info.....
The three bordering states of Kerala (Wayanad, west side), Tamil Nadu (Mudamalai, east side) and Karnataka (Bandipur and Nilgiri to the north) share a large forest reserve (plagued by poachers according to a doco i watched). THe bandipur part was the personal hunting grounds/reserve forst for the last Maharashta in Mysore (Palace of whom I visited today, incredible! my photo's are bad so I'm not bothering).

So i had to take the expensive option of going to Bandipur. THe forest is parched, Giant clumps of bamboo, dry brush everywhere. However, this relative lack of beauty was offset buy the fact that it is the best time to see the animals on safari! as they all come out to the watering holes.

Ah the things i just fall into.

I've realise that booking at the last minute and relying on the kindness of strangers is my travel style. I guess as long as I stick to travelling slightly off season I'll be allright!

SO, I can officially say I've seen a leopard, a trtiger, wild elephants, mongeese, huge serpent eagles and owlas and buzzards, lots of deer (little spotted and Sambar) peacocks and brightly coloured parots....

and that's not to mention the monkeys :p

ASnd now I've indulged my taste for luxery travel I'm styaying at ta youth hostel in Mysore for 100 ruppes/night and a bus ride into town

photo's later (my park photo's are a bit crap, but never mind)

love to you all

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